Does Ulme Advert work exclusively in Latvia?

Ulme Advert has a long history of operating in both the Baltics, Scandinavia and Europe as a whole, so we can offer complex solutions for export markets as well.

What happens when, for objective reasons, I am not satisfied with the work you have developed?

If work for objective reasons does not meet your need or is not of sufficient quality, we guarantee 100% cashback.

If I don’t have the opportunity to go to Riga, do you also work remotely?

Remote working and communication is the everyday life of Ulme Advert, so we’ll definitely find communication channels where we can easily and quickly address issues that matter to you.

Does Ulme Advert also offer print services?

In collaboration with our trusted partners, we can offer both print and advice that allows you to select the right materials to perform design work.

Is Ulme Advert also dealing with complex solutions – the organisation of an event that includes all design and script?

Yes, our portfolio consists of  both impressive international events and local festivals, new site openings and exhibition stands. Our offer includes design, organising, and production of required materials.

Is Ulme Advert only working with big brands?

Over the years, we have collaborated with opinion leaders who work alone, small businesses that know each of their customers, as well as major brands in Latvia and beyond. We appreciate each customer who chose to work with Ulme Advert and provide an individual approach to each project.


Any questions? We’re open to chat!